The Best Source for

Raster Well Logs & LAS

The highest quality affordable depth registered raster well logs and LAS available.

Well Logs

MJ Logs provides well logs as both Rasters and LAS. We offers the most complete coverage with 3 million wells and 7 million Raster Logs and LAS.

  • MJ Logs is constantly adding newly available logs to our growing well log library.
  • MJ Logs sells Raster Well Logs by the well. When you order a well, all Raster Logs are included in your order.
  • MJ Logs will prepare your Raster logs in either of our Raster Log formats.
  • The majority of Raster Well Log orders are downloaded, however, they can be delivered on other media.
  • LAS is priced by the curve. Select only the curves you want and only pay for those curves.

LAS / Digitizing Services

Well Log Curves of your choice are traced from our high quality depth registered Rasters and provided in LAS for input into your application.

Raster Well Logs

  • TrueLog Format
    Depth Registered Raster Well Logs for direct input into popular geological and graphics applications.


  • LogSleuth Format
    Raster Well Logs used in LogSleuth software, for quick display, correlation, annotation, printing and evaluation. LogSleuth logs move
    easily into popular geological and graphics applications.


MJ Logs has been gathering well logs all over North America since 1971. We have assembled one of the industry’s most complete, highest quality, depth registered Raster Well Log and LAS libraries. This tremendous collection contains over 3 million wells and 7 million Raster Logs and LAS. Areas are constantly updated, keeping the library current and up to date.

To do a free detailed search of our library of wells and view the log headers, click here.

Step One

Log in to our Well Library Search system — it’s FREE!

Step Two

Search for wells with Rasters and LAS.


Submit a quote or contact us for more information.

We have a strong commitment to customer care and support

We promise to be available to you at every step of our engagement. So go ahead to WLS Login and explore our Library now! If you’d like some help or more information about coverage in your area, please Contact Us or give us a call at 1-800-310-6451.

LAS / Digitizing Services