The Best Source for

Raster Well Logs & LAS

The highest quality affordable depth registered raster well logs and LAS available.

About Us

About Us

Founded in 1971, MJ Logs (formerly MJ Systems) revolutionized the oil & gas industry with the introduction of oil and gas well logs on microfiche. As a pioneer in this field we’ve been gathering well logs from many sources and building our unrivaled raster log and LAS library ever since.

In the 1990’s, MJ introduced Raster Image Well Logs to the industry. In 2016 we began providing LAS. MJ has continued to deliver affordable, effective well log services to thousands of users – from individual geologists to some of North America’s top exploration companies.

Today, MJ Logs offers the most complete coverage with 3 million wells and 7 million Raster Logs and LAS.

MJ Logs offers the best value for Raster Well Logs and LAS

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information. We look forward to assisting you with your Raster Well Log and LAS needs!